Examination of cultivated plants for insect and fungal infestations, soil samples for nematode’s presence and identification of pests and pathogens to species level. Advisory service for integrated control of pests and diseases in crops.

TYLCVTetranychus urticae

bactrocera oleae








Institute of Olive Tree, Subtropical Crops and Viticulture

Address: Agrokipio, Zip Code 73 100, Chania, tel.: 28210 83410, e-mail: 

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Department of Viticulture, Vegetable Crops, Floriculture and Plant Protection

Address: 32Α Kastorias str., Mesa Katsaba, Zip Code 713 07, Heraklio, τηλ.: 2810 302300, e-mail:

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Ινστιτούτο Βιομηχανικών & Κτηνοτροφικών Φυτών

Address: 1 Theofrastou str., Averof Settlement, Zip Code 413 35 Larissa, τηλ.: 2410 671290, e-mail:

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Department of Plant Protection (Volos)

Address: Fytokou str., Zip Code 380 01, Volos, tel.: 24210 61087, e-mail:

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Department of Plant Protection (Patra)

Address: N.N.R. & Amerikis ave., Zip Code 264 24, Patra, tel.: 2610 421264, e-mail:

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Ινστιτούτο Γενετικής Βελτίωσης & Φυτογενετικών Πόρων

Address: Zip Code 570 01 Thermi, Thessaloniki, tel.: 2310 471 110, e-mail:

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